Day of The Girl—A Letter from Future You

Dear girl,‬

‪You like super heroes, not dolls. You want to dress like the prince, not the princess. You play inventor and build things, you don’t like to play house.‬

‪On this “Day Of The Girl,” I wish you unconditional love and acceptance from at least one grown up that lets you be you. And if that’s not possible, I wish you strength and resilience. Because you are an awesome little girl who will one day be an extraordinary woman. All the grown-ups will come to you for help because you can fix almost anything, and you’ll rock a suit better than your dad ever did. You are not incorrectly female, you are right just the way you are.‬‪


Future you.‬

Claudia Lucas Robertson is a Chilean American Jew-ish lesbian activist, musician, improv performer and Editor-in-Chief at The Velvet Chronicle.

Claudia and her wife Julia . . . Disrupting fragile masculinity since birth

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