Democrat Introduces Bill To Protect LGB Youth from Medical Assault

Democrat State Representative, Cezar McKnight, has introduced legislation that would protect nonconforming youth from medicalized gay conversion ‘therapy.’

The “South Carolina Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act” would protect minors — 75% of which would otherwise grow up to be LGB, 85% of which would otherwise grow up to be LGB or straight — from medical ‘treatments,’ such as puberty blockers (given to kids as young as 8) and double mastectomies (performed on children as young as 12).

The bill would protect minors (most of whom, statistically, would otherwise grow up to be LGB) from “surgeries that sterilize, including castration, vasectomy, hysterectomy, oophorectomy, orchiectomy, and penectomy,” performance of “metoidioplasty, phalloplasty, and vaginoplasty” surgeries, and the surgical removal of “any healthy or nondiseased body part or tissue,” with the exception of children who have “sex development” disorders.

McKnight, Twitter

The bill would additionally make the medicalization of nonconforming minors a felony, with the potential of a prison sentence of up to 20 years. McKnight, who has represented his district since 2015, told the Associated Press, “Black Democrats tend to be more conservative than white progressives.” District 101 is two-thirds Black and largely Democrat. He further stated, “I would not have ever put this bill forward if I didn’t think the people in my district wouldn’t be receptive, and they are. Pastors, young parents, older parents, they all tell me the same thing: if you want to do this, wait until you’re 18.”

Young people do not reach full cognitive brain development until around the age of 25 — a fact that the medical field collectively decided to either forget, or ignore, when it came to medicalizing and performing surgeries on nonconforming youth. In the US, toddlers, as young as 1, are labeled “transgender.” What’s been happening is a massive human rights violation of LGB youth.

2017 article by Julia Diana Robertson

The prefrontal cortex — the section of the brain that relates to personality, identity, expression, decision making, and the ability to grasp long-term consequences — is not fully developed until around age 25. Functionality of the prefrontal cortex is vital, as it relates to the development of reasoning, emotional regulation, social abilities, and abstract thinking.

Interruptions to brain development can be detrimental. Research on the impact on brain development, as far as youth being medicalized for ‘gender dysphoria,’ is limited, hidden and blocked. In a recent London High Court ruling, in the Keira Bell case, it was revealed that study results were hidden for nearly a decade, and doctors gave testimony regarding the impact of ‘sex change’ medicalization on brain development. The court concluded that it’s “highly unlikely” youths would be able to give informed consent or “understand and weigh the long term risks and consequences.”

It’s time to stop pathologizing nonconformity in kids, and start realizing that styles, haircuts, clothes, names and interests don’t have a ‘gender,‘ and aren’t an indication of sex.

2019 article by William J. Malone, M.D., Colin M. Wright, Ph.D., and Julia D. Robertson

According to Associated Press, “after McKnight’s bill was introduced, leaders of the South Carolina Democratic Party approved a resolution saying the party ‘condemns this outrageous bill — and its Democratic supporters — in the strongest possible terms.” They further report, “McKnight says he has no plans to withdraw the bill” and that “McKnight, a member of the Legislative Black Caucus, said he’s received an outpouring of support from his constituents, who have told him that, while they don’t necessarily oppose this type of procedure on its face, they think that it is one that should only be made when a person has reached adulthood.”

There are similar proposals in other states, such as Indiana, Montana, Alabama, Kansas and Missouri. While those who promote gender ideology will frame bills like this as “anti-trans,” the reality is, bills like this are crucial to protecting our youth Young people who have been coming forward, asking why no one protected them.

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